a place where we only say goodbye
stung like a violent wind
our memories depend
a faulty camera in our minds..."
Cab for Cutie, What Sarah Said
don't think it really would have made a difference to Gunnar if he'd
known what was going to happen. He's that kind of guy, I think. From
what I remember.
there's a lot I don't remember because of the Well.
funny what just a few seconds in the Well of Mnemosyne will do to
your head. It was the hardest on Gunnar, it looks like. I don't
remember ever seeing him shake like that, not when his mom got
kidnapped or when the giants had his dad so whatever is in his head
must be pretty awful.
so... Only four of us went into the Vault. Gunnar, Brendan, Harlan
and I went through. Gunnar gave Hades the last four of the five
golden apples we'd gotten so that we could go in.
was still with ghost-hero and boat-woman. Kas just decided not to go
into the Vault. She didn't like the idea that she'd have to do
whatever Hades said when he called in a favor, and Hades made us
swear some oath before he'd let us in the Vault.
swore his oath knowing full well that I probably won't like what he
tells me to do, and when I tell him just where he can shove his
fucking orders it's probably going to hurt.
probably going to hurt, and it's probably also not going to stop me.
will probably just talk his way out of it, and I don't know yet what
Gunnar's plan is.
Gunnar has a plan. Probably, I mean, he usually has one these days.
probably has one too, since he also agreed to the oath Hades asked us
to swear.
I hope they've got plans. Only one of us really needs to go running
around without a plan.
yeah, Gunnar, Brendan, Harlan and I sauntered our bad selves into the
Vault and went bobbing for memory apples. All of maybe three seconds
later, I came back up with holes in my head, Gunnar came up looking
shaky, Harlan decided not to do that again, and Brendan looked mildly
Gunnar and I put our heads in a second time and I got even more holes
in my head, replaced by memories that aren't mine and one that was
Gunnar's which gives me a migraine because holy fuck he has so much
going on in his head.
tried again too, but I don't think he came up with anything. He
certainly didn't swish his hair back declaring that his intellect had
saved the day.
does that sometimes.
Brendan or Harlan forgot anything, it doesn't seem to have been that
important. I mean, they know their names and our names and they act
like they remember what we were doing here.
though... I think he's a little messed up. I didn't really know that
while we were still in Hades. He hid it pretty well and it wasn't
messing with him physically, just his head. I don't have any mental
instability senses. And I don't have Gunnar senses so I didn't pick
up on how messed up he was. Is. Will be for a while.
waited to mention it until after we’d made it out, when we decided
to compare notes and make sure nothing really, really, super
important was missing.
guess what. We've both got super-important things missing. But hey,
true to how we usually roll, I've got some of his missing stuff and
he's got some of mine. He doesn’t seem to think I should want it
back, though.
only thing I really want back is my memory of our wedding. I feel
like I should remember how this ring got on my finger. The one my dad
gave us, I mean. I remember how the other one got there.
put this ring on after the wedding. I gave Gunnar the ring I'd
made for him, with the cheesy "Until Ragnarok, at Least"
inscription on the inside of it, and he gave me the ring I
wear now, with some cute quip about how most girls aren't so lucky to
get two wedding rings from a guy.
it's true. Hell, most girls aren't lucky enough to get one. I am
didn't say it then. I probably should have. There's lots of
things I haven't said but probably should. Um... I should work
on that.
I don't remember... Anything.
don't remember planning it which leaves me with a lot of very large
gaps during which I hope nothing too terribly important happened, and
I don't remember anything that actually happened that day.
want to be pissed about that, I feel like I should be pissed about
that, but the way Gunnar described it, it sounded like a massive
fucking headache, anyway.
a massive headache that was totally worth it!
I hope Gunnar never reads this, that sounded kinda bad.
if you're reading this, I'm sure I would say it was worth it if I
could remember it.
if you're reading this, stop it. I sound like a fucking nutcase in
this thing.
lost other stuff too. I don't remember my mom dying.
don't remember how we got the ghost who's waiting for me in Greece.
don't remember how I got my Purple Heart.
don't remember half of what happened in Niflheim.
don't remember a lot of what happened in Guinnee (though I do
remember getting a small amount of satisfaction from telling Victor's
ghost that he was a dick, repeatedly).
because of the well. The Well of Memory.
Well of Memory, v. 2.0, is in the Vault of Hades. We didn't get to
the Vault until after we stared into the abyss and met Perseus. Not
in the abyss, he was in the Tower. And we saw where the Furies live.
And talked to the Furies. And talked to one of Ixion's simulacra. And
saved the woman stuck inside from suffocation and cut her out of the
metal skeleton encasing her and freed her from the fate of being
Hades' new ferryman and investigated the theft of Cerberus and
apparently forgot several hours of our lives and in case I haven't
said it lately since my memory's a little fuzzy: Fuck titans.
titans and fuck the Darkness and fuck gods who keep secrets and fuck
this whole fucking mess.
back to the Well.
went in twice and came out with someone else's thoughts in my head,
and they weren't even the thoughts I wanted. Except for Gunnar's
memories they were all silly stuff that happens all the time. To
humans, to mortals, I mean.
die. People fall in debt, people fall in and out of love. These are
all inherent to the human condition, but each one felt like it was
the end of the world.
guess, for these people, it was.
remember having a failed marriage and deciding to drown my sorrows in
cupcakes. I don't really like cupcakes, and I certainly don't have a
failed marriage. But I did in this memory. I was someone who baked to
kill the pain of watching my ex with his new wife.
Laurel Esparza, do not bake. It is part of the natural order of
things. Something usually combusts when I go into the kitchen for
anything besides a cup of tea. I set a microwave on fire once.
Nevermore was impressed.
remember that I lost my life savings to "some wily cutpurse,"
as I remembered it, and ended up taking to the bank a coinpurse
filled with rocks. I kinda sympathize with that, except the wily
cutpurse was Ixion and he was enough of a dick that I didn't even get
a bag full of rocks. I got my astrolabe rolled into the fucking Bay.
remember being young, having lost my mother and being afraid of my
drunken father who was going to lose his job and then we'd be
I have
lost all of my money. I did
have an absentee father, I am homeless.
I got over it.
that's what I do. Not so much the mere mortals.
guess that kinda puts things in perspective, showing me exactly
what's at stake if we fail to figure out what's happening with the
Darkness. These people need some serious help if all it takes to make
them fall apart is some wily cutpurse and a plate of cupcakes. The
memories are petty and not terribly significant.
people they used to belong to are, though. And that's why I need to
puzzle out this Darkness bullshit. I need to know what Kane is up to.
If we don't figure out how to stop it all of these petty mortal
memories, and the precious mortals to whom they belong, will all just
cease to be.
now I feel even more like going to Duat is the right thing for me to
do. Marie has to know something useful, and if I'm lucky (or unlucky)
enough to meet any gods while I'm there, maybe they can help me make
sense of what I've seen in Hades.
they can tell me how to stop it, where to look, what to do next.
last memory I gained from the Well wasn't petty, and it wasn't from a
the last memory that wasn't mine, I was seeing through Gunnar's eyes.
I didn't realize it right away, then I actually bothered to recognize
the people who were around in the memory. All of the Band, and me -
and it's weird seeing myself through someone else's eyes.
was smelling through Gunnar's nose, hearing with his ears and I had
all of the thoughts in my head that belonged to him.
mind is... dizzying. It's too full, it's too strong, it's... It's
incredible, is what it is.
I ever needed proof that Gunnar is way smarter than I am, I have it
now. Just trying to focus on his memory makes me feel like I've got
an afterburn on my retinas, like when you look at the sun.
memory started in what I thought was just gibberish. Something he was
reviewing, symbols and sounds that were rolling around in his head
and it took me a long time just to sort them out so I could focus on
them long enough to realize that it was Japanese. We were all walking
towards the giants and he was drilling himself on Hiragana and
Katakana. Both of them, simultaneously. At the same time he was
taking in our surroundings, running through different "oh shit"
scenarios in his head, and then there was something about numbers
that I just couldn't understand. I hadn't yet realized what a genius
Gunnar is turning into, but the strings of numbers and formulae
reinforced it.
is so not my thing.
to make sense of any of it was like trying to grab at one fish
in an overstocked fish tank, there were too many of them and they
were all slippery and I couldn't get a good grasp on anything. Just
trying to take it all in made me feel like my brain was about to tell
me to go fuck myself and take a nice leisurely walk out of my head
through my ears.
got a little better when I just focused the memory on the giants. He
could smell them before I could even see them, and I am so
ridiculously glad that I don't smell the way he does, because they
did not smell good.
like... Okay, they're frost giants, so of course they smell cold.
has a smell. It's the same smell as when you stick your head in an
ice box.
mean, if you do that.
I do that.
I did, back when I had a house that had a freezer that I could open
up and smell. I used to like the smell of ice, when it was more of a
novelty, back before Niflheim and the Jotun Mountains.
the giants, they didn't just smell like ice, they smelled like trees
too. Aspen.
body odor.
my gods.
gargantuan amounts of body odor. It's like someone rubbed an
old Christmas tree on a mound of rotten onions and covered it
all in ice cubes made from gym-sock tea and spoiled curry.
not sure why Gunnar doesn't throw up more often, I don't know how he
was able to stomach the smell. He could smell everyone else, too.
Aftershave, shampoo, skin. He probably could have told you which
smell belonged to which person. I can't, the smells are all
unfamiliar to me.
then there was the way everything looked. Everything was so
clear and so sharp. Like it was made out of perfect, pure crystal.
The colors were brighter, the sounds were louder. He doesn't just
hear footsteps in the crunching snow, but he hears each divet of each
shoe sinking individually. He hears heartbeats and breaths and the
whispering of hair against hair just in the movement created by a
footstep. His memory isn't the same as my memories. Mine feel jumpy
in comparison. Like, my head doesn't flow from second to second with
clear transitions. My memories jump, like the transitions in dreams.
editing sucks.
Gunnar, he's amazing. He remembers everything.
The tents outside the cave. The exact pitch of the Jotuns' voice. The
shade of their skin, the texture of their hair. Every word they said,
and the way they sounded when they said it. Every word we said.
was a jumble, but I got a good sense of what he was feeling, too. He
was angry, much moreso than I'd picked up on. Annoyed too, at
that woman named Sedna. Angry that his father had been tricked, even
if Utgard-Loki said that Heimdall shot first. Well, not shot.
he was relieved when it was all over, relieved that as far as we
could tell, it wasn't a double-cross. Though, if it was a
double-cross and neither Gunnar nor Heimdall could pick up on it, we
were probably way too screwed for words.
I am
not capable of seeing the world like that. My brain just will
not hold that many details all at once.
weird having seen the proof of just how much stronger he is, how much
more he can take in. How perfectly he remembers.
can't hold onto it all. The sharpness of his memory has already
started to diminish. It's like... my mind dulls it and it can't keep
its edge. I wish I could remember it all the way it was the first
time, just to know how the world looks when he's looking at it.
things he notices, the thoughts he thinks. I love having the chance
to see things from his perspective, migraines and all. I can't keep
it all together, though. I keep losing bits of it.
I first got his memory in my head I wanted to pull away from the
Well. I wanted to come up whimpering and whining like I did as a
kid when I got soap in my eyes - which actually does nothing for
just too much to take in all at once. Sensory overload.
there is something to be said for the conspicuous lack of Nevermore.
um… I think Gunnar got it worse.
threw up right after he pulled his head out of the well. Violently.
not a lot you can do for someone who's on all fours puking up a
rubbed his back while he barfed.
gods," He groaned. He looked like shit. There was... there is
something wrong with his head and I don't know how to fix it.
yet. I'll think of something. I'll lose another limb, if I have to.
found it. I have it. I don't want it, but I have it." He sounded
about like he looked. I can't imagine ever getting used to him
sounding like that.
fucking Super-Gunnar. He's not supposed to get sick, he's not
supposed to look so... shaken.
sad and awful and hurt. He's really
not supposed to get hurt cleaning up my messes.
just doing all sorts of things he isn't supposed to.
have to talk to him about that.
was trembling a little when he asked me to stay back as the others
left the Vault. He said we needed to talk when we got out of Hades.
And right after he said that, he quirked his head like he was
listening for something.
everyone else in the Vault heard what he heard; a screeching and a
tearing and a I-don't-know-how-to-describe-it kind of sound. It
sounds about like what you would expect an end of the world to sound
like. Some of us (named Nevermore) were staring into the abyss again,
trying to see what was happening, because I guess that sounds like a
good idea to a bird.
was something flying around out there, I couldn't see it but after
Jormungandr went swimming by through Acheron I figured that was the
sign that the time of dragons had begun.
asked if this was the start of Ragnarok.
said no, this was not the beginning of Gunnar's
apocalypse. Like it's not going to affect Hades. Like the god
was able to just completely ignore the fact that Jormungandir, the
World-Fucking-Serpent, just went surfing through his river.
Jormungandr was supposed to have been sleeping beneath the ocean,
which might mean he was comatose beneath the Drowned Road which means
it was in the Guinnee area. So a Norse monster sleeping under the Loa
underworld goes surfing through the Greek river of the dead.
yeah, Hades probably has it figured out. The Aesir's apocalypse can't
possibly affect anyone else. Nothing is really connected and the
Dodekatheon will probably just sail right through Ragnarok untouched.
I'm the blue ribbon pig at the Podunk County Fair.
Hades went running for his castle and some helmet showed up on his
head. It kinda looked like the one Camila wore sometimes. Maybe they
know the same smith.
and as Hades was running he apparently decided that being in his
realm meant we were his to order around.
that's not quite right. I think he probably decided that the second
we showed up. I just can't remember being right since I went staring
off into the abyss. But it probably happened.
so we go to deal with what he's yelling about and we find ants and
shadow and end up climb-falling down this massive chain to that
island he wouldn't tell us about and Nate flew a pterodactyl. Or
found blood when we got to the bottom, lots of blood and dead shadow
ants. The blood smelled like... nothing I've ever smelled before.
Earthy. Old.
followed the trail of blood to a stone dome that Gunnar just sort of
stepped through, and then I got that feeling that Gunnar was about to
get hurt by something big and stoney. I showed up next to him just in
time to hear him hit the floor. I guess I overreacted.
when I lit up like a light bulb so I could see in this darkness – I
am starting to become less and less fond of the dark – we found
another guy there. He was big, and he wasn’t wearing much and he
was hurt really badly.
did that thing where I'm all singleminded and focused on not letting
someone die. I did everything I could do, and some things I didn't
know I could do until that moment. Like the whole “lighting up”
thing. That was new, for all the good it did.
end result was a tired medical cliché: “I did everything I could,
don’t like watching people die. I like even less not being able to
watch people die. I wasn’t able to stay with this guy. We had to
turn and run.
at least he waited to die until after he’d told us his story.
First, he helped Gunnar and I get out of his house after a brief game
of charades.
had raised an axe tentatively, the injured guy raised his hands
together to form a circle, telling me there was no way I could dig
under it.
we realized Harlan could talk to him, and the guy told Harlan a
a long story, and I don't understand all of it. I don't remember all
of it. It had a lot to do with dragons, which are not high on the
list of things which interest me.
I think, things are about to get bad and we're supposed to protect
humanity. Kind of. We aren't supposed to speak for them, at least not
when it comes to negotiating with the dragons.
war is coming (except for the part where war is here. But apparently
this is a different one, or a different part of the same one. I don’t
know, it’s kind of confusing). And dragons used to be bad, but then
they made some deal with the humans and now the dragons and the
humans are supposed to be friends, at least when it comes to standing
against the Titans.
the dragons are cowards, and they withdrew from Midgar partially so
that they didn't have to stand up to the titans. Or something like
he told us to run, so he could die. He said he knew he was going to,
and that a group of scions would come find him and that he was
supposed to tell us his story and give us something. Well, two
somethings. One is a dagger that was supposed to have belonged to
Marduk, and the other is... a thing. We don't know what it is, we
don't know what it does so it's not a really great lead.
it's supposed to be used to end the fighting and preserve the world
so it can be born again. Which is... vague and not really all that
helpful. Not yet.
then the darkness started spreading and the ants kept coming, and on
our way out Hades gave me a note from my dad and we had to haul ass
out of there.
was when we'd gotten out, and when the dragon went away that Gunnar
and I got a chance to talk. I'd mentioned when Hades was done and we
had Marie's memories that I was going to go to Duat, and now shit was
hitting the fan and if Gunnar was going to run off talking to dragons
I didn't just want to leave him alone, and I didn't want to just
leave Nate and Harlan and Kas and Brendan, so I did what I do when
I'm confused and a little scared. I turned to Gunnar.
you’re smart, what the fuck do I do?" It really was supposed
to be a compliment, I'm just bad at them.
He stopped and rubbed his temples with his fingers. “You go meet
with the dragon in Saudi Arabi, then go to Duat, I guess.”
didn't really like that answer. "What if going to Saudi Arabia
makes me too late to take Azzeza to Duat? What if it’s closed then,
and I never get the chance to take her there? I mean… are the
dragons really our problem? You heard Harlan’s giant-guy and dragon
translation. We aren’t allowed to speak for
the humans."
but frankly humans don’t have anyone to speak for them either. I
mean, there is no unified human government or other representative
body, and even if we pretended the United Nations did fit that
description, it still has its own problems. I mean, this whole crap
about negotiating between two different species as though they are
each, as a species, a single unified body is simply ridiculous. But
then I guess this isn’t the time for that kind of nonsense. Look,
if you think that the more urgent thing for you to do is to go to
Duat, I certainly won’t fault you for it. All we really seem to
need is enough people to get the word out that there’s going to be
a meeting and all the Dragon princes need to show up before the whole
world just ends up flooded with murderous territorial dragons. Not to
mention someone or someones to get together some conglomeration of
representatives - most of whom will probably vehemently hate each
other - into a room to meet with beings they were probably unaware
even existed prior to the very encounter in which they will meet nine
of them." When he finally finished spouting that rather
long, and swiftly-conveyed torrent of information he took in a
very long breath. "But yeah, if you think you should go, honey,
then go ahead to Duat. This is something you’ve been promising to
do for a while - and on two accounts. I know how important your
promises are to you, and I’d never ask you to risk breaking one of
I frowned.
If anyone could convince me not to go just by asking, it would be
Gunnar and the way he'd said the first thing made it sound like that
was the more important. Like I should know that it was more
just didn’t feel more important. I had made a promise to go to
Duat, and I don’t want to be the type of woman who makes a promise
and only plans to follow it until something else comes up. You know,
like a wedding vow or something.
Fuck, I don’t know,” I scratched my head. “I mean, if the
darkness is taking underworlds over, maybe it isn’t even safe to
take her there, and maybe the darkness won’t touch Duat. We don’t
know where it’s going, and we don’t know what happens once the
darkness does take over, and it’s not like we can ask now… And I
don’t know how good I’m going to be at helping negotiations or
dealing with politics or any of that bullshit. I certainly am not a
fan of the idea of negotiating with anything scaled, since they’ve
all been kinda pissy so far.” I was doing a fantastic job of
talking myself out of dealing with any dragons. Plus, I really
believe that if I am not supposed to go to Duat, then I won’t be
able to. Fate will put me where it wants me, no matter what direction
I am trying to go.
was trying to be reassuring, I think. “"Yeah, well the titan
of light is supposed to be the major opponent of the Pesedjet right?
So maybe Soku-no-kumi will avoid that one for a while for fear of
encroaching on other titanic territory… But, I mean, I can’t
really say."
the problem with this whole fucking thing," I groaned in
frustration. "Nobody’s giving us enough information and now
that we really need it, I can’t even go bitch at them for keeping
us in the dark… Ugh. I just worry what might happen to you guys if
I go.” I paused and gave him a very serious look and said in a very
serious voice, “If you think you’ll need me, I’ll stay."
gave me a sideways grin, the kind that makes me think of explosions
and shrapnel. "We’ve managed to make it through a lot so far.
You have something you need to do. I understand, and so do the
others. I even think Kassandra has been thinking about trying to go
with you."
wasn't so sure about the others understanding, but I was glad to hear
that Gunnar did. The thought of Kas coming worried me a little,
though. Well, worried me and relieved me. The backup would be nice,
and Kas could probably survive okay, but more than being backup she
would probably be a reason for me to be brave. I’m always braver
when I’m protecting someone. Brave or stupid, take your pick.
it would divert some of my attention away from Azzeza.
I’m not sure… If she comes too, that’s three people I have to
look out for and while the extra eyes might be nice I don’t know
how good I’ll be at watching over another body." I bounced on
the balls of my feet, feeling almost like there was a scream of
frustration building up in me. "But I guess I’m gonna try,
because I don’t really know how not to… And I guess that if you
guys really do need me, I’ll find a way to get to you." And I
would. If he needed me, if any of them needed me, I'd be there.
sighed, more than a little tired. "I’ll just figure out how to
be everywhere, and that should solve all our problems, right?"
He smiled at me, the kind of smile that makes his eyes look brighter,
if you see him smile like that while he’s not wearing sunglasses.
Then he looked thoughtful for a moment, and the smile slipped a
something else we need to talk about before anything else happens
though. Mnemosyne really screwed with our heads. At least, with mine.
I can tell that there are a lot of things I’ve forgotten, and I
refuse to let that go by without rectification. I wa-" he
paused. He shuddered and started over.
pretty sure that you are the strongest person I have ever known, and
I think you needed to know that. One of the memories you left behind
in the well ended up in my head, and… yeah. I don’t think I would
have survived that if it happened to me."
I frowned, chewing on my lower lip. I’m not particularly fond of
the idea of Gunnar not surviving something, and I really wasn’t
fond of the idea of him carrying around a memory that belonged in my
head of something he didn’t think he’d have survived.
that’s where that went,” I tried to lighten the mood, which is
also something I am not good at. “I’m uh… I’m sorry."
don't know if that was the right thing to say but I obviously needed
to say something. Whatever was in his head kinda freaked him out, and
it made me sad for him that it was my fault. I felt guilty, even
though I had no idea what he was even talking about.
uh… what are you talking about? I mean, I’ve got a few things
missing." I felt like I should have been angrier. Not at him, of
course. Just… at everything that had happened to us. Instead I was
just tired. It was just hard to be angry when I was this confused and
er, right. Do you remember, when you came back from Afghanistan?"
had to think really hard, but I kinda remembered it. Or, I remembered
stuff that referenced it. I remember the Purple Heart, and the
sessions with Dr. Thrace who told me I was uncooperative, stubborn,
evasive, and kind of a bitch. I remembered the wounds which turned
into scars which made me self-conscious and weird. That was about it.
I didn’t remember how I got them, or talking about how I got them,
or really anything more specific than: I went to Afghanistan and I
came back damaged.
shrugged at him. "Um… I remember being in a hospital for a
while before I came back to the States, and not really being all that
happy about it." Being stuck in bed sucked. Having messed up
ribs sucked. "And I remember meeting with some touchy feely
quack lady who told me I wasn’t trying hard enough and I remember
telling her to go fuck herself, and I remember that’s why I keep
writing in that journal I have but now it seems a little silly."
It does seem silly. And a little unnecessary. But I guess it might be
helpful if I go staring into any more abysses, or fishing in any more
memory wells.
was quiet for a second. "Yeah, I remember why. I remember how
you got the injuries you were in the hospital for - I remember why
you had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - I… yeah. It was pretty
nasty, and just the fact that you lived through it both mentally and
physically is a lot more impressive than pretty much anything else
I’ve experienced."
blinked at him. Super Gunnar, my hero, probably the closest thing to
a superhero I’ll ever know, was telling me that I was impressive
and strong. That he knew what I’d been through because it was in
his head, and that he didn’t think he could take it.
Um… I’m sorry,” I repeated, a little softer. I winced a little,
and I wished I knew how to make it better for him. That’s a wish I
make kind of often. “It’s not really fair that I get that sorta
weight lifted off of me, and then you get to be the one who carries
it. That really sucks.” Laurel Esparza, the master of
you… okay?” It was a dumb question. He had a memory in his head
of an event which had fucked me up for the larger part of a decade on
top of carrying around Marie’s memories. Of course he was not
fucking okay.
scratched his head. “Yeah. It’s not as bad as Marie’s
memories.” He was lying to me, which made me feel like shit. I
remember just the dreams of Marie’s existence. Well, the
nightmares. I remember waking up and running to the bathroom,
vomiting from the pain and the disgust. It was hard to imagine what
was worse than that.
Gunnar was merciful and changed the subject before I started getting
queasy. “I want to make sure there’s nothing major that I don’t
remember, and vice-versa. Especially about us. I mean, like… why
did we have those golden apples again? I mean, we went and stole them
from a dragon… because… because…”
eyes got wide and as soon as I started talking I was almost shouting.
I know better. I know he can hear me just fine. “Because you lost
thirty years of your life when we got tricked by Pan into helping him
stab Kairos! Holy shit, you don’t remember that? Do you remember
the Garden? Cuz I can give you the cliff’s notes, if you want.”
shook his head. “I remember the Garden,” which we later realized
was halfway right. He remembered us talking about going to the
Garden. He didn’t really remember us actually talking to the
dragon. “I even remember Pan being a dick… and Kairos… I just
don’t… don’t remember being old. I remember the boys… seeing
that other one… with the blue and purple hair… and future Gair…
I guess it happened during that. … We don’t have any kids I’ve
forgotten have we?”
answered him all out of sequence. I think I was still just a little
ticked about the whole "making out with someone who wasn't me"
thing. I nodded. “Good, cuz I would hate for you to have forgotten
how fucking awesome I was playing fetch with Ladon, and how I totally
kept my temper in check and didn’t even threaten to cut any of the
Hesperides in half after that one…” I realized I was being a
little petty, and jealous, and we didn’t have time for me to be
either. “Um, sorry, I digress.”
started over. “Yeah. You were in a real funk about it, which I get.
I got older too, but not the way you did.” I got quieter, more
serious. “You aged like… thirty years in the blink of an eye. It
slowed you down, and it made you a little… I dunno. Different.” I
shrugged and I fidgeted. I had been doing so well, I had been making
sense and mostly staying on topic and then I started thinking about
how I felt watching him get older and of course I started rambling
because apparently I still remember how to do <em>that</em>.
that you weren’t you, you just weren’t the same you… Is this
making sense? I mean, I can show you, if you want. It was even
freakier than holding our kids while they aged ten years a minute
after they were born.” Kids, right. He had asked about kids. Stay
on topic, Laurel. “And the only kids we have… that I know about,
that are ours,
rather than the ones we’ve taken it upon ourselves to protect, are
Alex and Erik, and they’re with Jack. As far as I remember.”
think he was a little relieved. Um, not that we didn’t have more
kids, but that we didn’t have more kids that he had managed to
forget about.
nodded. “Yeah. That’s what I remember too. Okay, let’s just go
through everything important we remember, in order, since we met.
That way between the two of us we should be able to fill all the
holes in for each other. Also, I need to tell Harlan about the time
he saved a Senator’s daughter from some crazed Spanish kidnappers -
but that’s for after we’ve been able to straighten things out.”
made a weird face at the idea of Harlan doing anything too heroic,
but let it go. He probably has it in him, when he’s not making
psychologically damaged young adults fall in love with him. “Okay,”
I took a breath. “So we almost got married in Vegas and then you
and Jack threw Canopus off a building, after you screamed for it to
eat you. Which was really dumb.”
hind-sights’ 20/20,” he started, but then paused. And he made a
face, and then told me about how he didn’t remember the fight with
a great sign that he doesn't remember the first thing I start talking
I explained the Canopus thing, and the stupid Jackson Donald name and
the cult and the trash-frog, which was kind of a waste of breath
because he remembered all of that. Then I reminded him about the show
we went to see, Pangyrjklfdjsal-something, and the sacrifice onstage,
and the lots of other stuff that he said he remembered until I got to
the part with Kane.
night Victor popped into Gunnar’s hotel room, where he remembered
letting me crash, and Victor was expecting we'd surrender all of our
relics and weapons and just let Kane become a god with the Black
Feather Shroud. That part Gunnar had forgotten. The whole, “zombie
viking uprising” thing was kind of memorable to me, even though I
was really busy being arrested by Nate at the time.
next thing he didn’t remember after that was when we got all the
kids away from the Order, which we found because Horus and the Baron
missed their kids.
I fixed that with a minimal amount of rambling.
that’s where we found my sister. And Carmen hit on Nate, and Camila
was there, I guess that was before she went all murder-happy with the
god-types.” That got a funny look from him, which elicited the
explanation that Camila “killed” Mannanan Mac Lir. He was just as
unsettled the second time.
you shot a priest holding a grenade,” I said very critically, going
back to telling him about the Order. “Or maybe you shot the
grenade. You walked away picking shrapnel out of your face, and
probably would have died if I hadn’t done that Die-Hard thing on
you before you shot the grenade. Which was also dumb.” I stuck my
tongue out at him.
didn't argue that it was dumb. He just grunted a little, and waited
for me to keep going. “Hmph. Okay.”
I said in a placating fashion, “you stopped doing stuff that was
kinda dumb after we went to Helheim, and I’m a little fuzzy on how
some of it happened, but I remember you stuffing some c4 into the
chest cavity of a dragon, and Harlan pulled me back, then you were
smacking at me with your trenchcoat like I was on fire, then you were
kinda mopey and you freaked and buried some explosives in the snows
of Helheim. Niflheim. Too-fucking-cold-heim. Oh, and in case you
forgot, Harlan walked around the second half of that trip carrying a
giant’s testicle. I haven’t teased him about that lately…” I
looked back over my shoulder to try to see Harlan, but turned back to
Gunnar pretty quickly.
looked kinda confused. “I… tried to put out fires on you with my
trenchcoat? Weird.”
Weird. Weird was the same fucking thing I thought when it happened.
“Yeah. But I wasn’t on fire. And then you were mad at Harlan but
you never told me why, so I can’t help you there,” I shrugged.
okay,” spake Gunnar the verbose.
and then next was...” and I rambled for a bit, actually kind of
enjoying the chance to tell him how awesome he had been, until I got
to the next thing he didn't remember, which was under the water
outside Jersey.
helped him as much as I could, but bits of that were missing from my
mind, too. “I remember we were in the water,” I squinted while I
spoke. Squinting helps me remember. “And Brendan waved Harlan and I
through, then I was on the floor of our sub and I think you hugged
Kas? I don’t remember what for.”
didn't look thrilled. "Yeah… I remember… the submarine…
and one of the ghosts possessed one of the boys before they were even
born, and I was able to sort of twist my own legend around to
exorcise him. It was a little odd. But yeah, I don’t remember what
happened after that before getting on the sub. I’ll have to ask one
of the others."
the whole possession thing had managed to slip my mind. Funny, I
would expect to remember being fucking terrified while one of my
babies was possessed in the womb, but I didn't.
then, as I imagine it must look to someone who can't see ghosts, I
looked like I was about to beat Gunnar within an inch of his life. I
wasn’t failing terribly at abusing my husband. Really I was
swatting at Nevermore, who was trying to squawk into Gunnar's ear
about letting me die and not taking care of me and liking the Cubs.
I glared at the air by Gunnar. “Apparently I died. But I got
better, obviously.”
blinked. “Wow. I… would have been completely useless in that
situation. I imagine Kassandra helped get you… better.” He could
have said, “not dead anymore,” and it wouldn’t have bothered
me. Though, I guess maybe it bothered him. “Explains the hugging
you witnessed.”
shrugged, kinda bewildered that I could forget about dying, and
apparently getting my babies killed in the process. “Yeah, that
makes sense. Okay, I’ll have to ask someone what exactly happened
there. But at least there weren’t any snakes. That I remember. And
really, I’m surprised you didn’t say anything in Hades when
fucking Jormungandr showed up.”
Why would I? I mean, it’s a big deal and all but…”
I just stared at him for a second. If I hadn't seen him put his head
in the Well, if I didn't know what that place could do you your mind,
I'd have thought he was just fucking with me or something. I knew
better, though. “Okay…”
I had to remind him that he fucking hates snakes. I told him about
how so many of our encounters involved things with scales, like
Canopus and company, and couldn't help but think how weird it was
that something like that could just slip his mind.
I’m… that’s an odd trend to forget.” Great minds and such.
and there was the basilisk in the desert when we went to rescue
Horace from those angel things. Forgot that one. That’s where you
got those boots. And that cloak you almost never wore at first
because you thought it would make people look at you funny.”
Because a guy wearing sunglasses at two in the morning never gets any
funny looks, I guess.
no,” I corrected myself, “That was a Lindwurm. Vegas.”
this point he was just nodding, trying to take in as much information
as he could, which I knew was a lot. He didn't have to focus all of
his attention on me, but I couldn’t bring myself to mind.
practically jumped right on top of it,” I kept on with obvious
disapproval in my voice, “and it tried to take a chunk out of you.
It turned part of you to stone and…” I closed my eyes briefly. It
was my turn to shudder a little. “I’ve never heard anyone scream
like that. That time, it was my turn to be dumb, cuz then I ran right
up to it so I could heal you, and I didn’t even close my eyes
because I didn’t think of it.
after getting past the basilisk, that’s where we found Horace
Farrow, where Pan was keeping him hostage and using him to keep those
angel things dormant or docile or something. We had to leave,” I
looked at the ground and paused for a second. Almost a year later and
it still pisses me off. “The only reason Horace got out was because
I prayed to my dad about the army Pan was building, and a little
after that Horace showed up at our doorstep. Well, it was still just
my doorstep then, that was before we…”
fingered the wedding band and engagement ring Gunnar had given me,
making a face that was probably a little sad and a little sorry. “I
don’t remember getting married.”
Oh jeeze, okay.” He took a breath and just started talking. “So
you had to spend days getting ready in the whole Greek tradition, and
then because Aphrodite’s a bitch she refused to give you her
blessing - not that you needed it, if you ask me - and then at the
wedding my dad gave your dad a herd of golden yaks that were herded
up I-35 by a pack of dwarves in broad daylight. One of the furies
wrote “Murderer” on your forehead, some jealous boyfriend of
Nate’s wife - then girlfriend - brought the press ‘round to
harass everyone and I only narrowly avoided assaulting some mortals.
Oh, and since Hera demanded to perform the ceremony she had us do a
ritual where we let our blood out together and swore never to be
unfaithful. Seemed a little unnecessary to me, but I’m pretty sure
she used a power over us so that we’ll incur some number of years
of bad luck if we break it - or something like that."
blinked, and waited for part of that to sink in, sound normal, or
otherwise make sense. Then I gave up on that and just started asking
questions. “Wait, why did Aphrodite refuse to give me her
blessing??” For a second I was scared that, being a goddess of
love, maybe Aphrodite had determined I didn't really love Gunnar, or
some equally implausible bullshit.
Aphrodite’s a giant hypocrite and refused you her blessing because
you weren’t a virgin.”
made one of those “are you fucking kidding me” faces, and
wondered if I'd looked as pissed the first time this all happened.
Next question.
performed the ceremony??” It seems like meeting the Queen of the
Gods (of my pantheon) should be something I would remember,
especially if she had deigned to do me the honor of performing my
wedding ceremony – and I was probably supposed to see it as an
honor, rather than an inconvenience or her butting in. But that
wasn't really what I cared about.
my dad make it?” And then before Gunnar could answer either
question, I remembered the part where he said something about mortals
and assault. “Why were you going to assault mortals?”
answered my questions in the order I'd asked them, because he's cool
like that. “Yeah, Hera basically just walked in and had some of her
people start re-decorating and told us she was doing the ceremony.
And yeah, your father was there. Actually the guest list was kind of
star-studded. Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Frigg, Odin, Heimdall, Apollo, and
Dionysus - as The Situation.” He let me goggle for a moment over
all the gods I could no longer remember meeting. And over Dionysus
being The Situation.
and I almost assaulted the news crews that Nate’s not-friend
dragged along. I swear, those people don’t understand the meaning
of ‘private’ and ‘go the fuck away.’”
had to giggle a little at the last, because even if I couldn't
remember it, I could imagine that much perfectly. “Yeah, you’ve
uh… you’ve got a way with words. That’s awesome that your dad
was there, too, and Odin. Did we get any cool gifts? I think I
remember a blender, but…” I shrugged. It was a nice blender.
nodded. “Yeah, Artemis gave us an astrolabe that’s pretty
awesome, and enormous… Frigg gave you a prophetic vision of our
future together,” and he described to me the plains of fire and the
ice giants and the four cribs and Nate losing a hand and Gunnar
himself standing in the mouth of what I guess was Jormungandr. Is.
Will be. Whatever.
“… and…
I think that was more-or-less it. The blender was from Ciara.”
miss Ciara. She knows how to make something bleed.
wanted to ask him a lot more about the wedding, I wanted him to tell
me everything like who wore what and who said what and I wanted to
hear everything from his point of view but even I realized we were
running short on time and we had much more pressing shit to do.
Pressing shit that was going to take me who-knew-how-far away for
who-knew-how long, and if the pressing shit he needed to go do
happened to go really, really wrong and I couldn't get there when
they needed me...
took a deep breath.
I planned a wedding I don’t remember and it doesn’t matter
because my plans pretty much didn’t matter since you said Hera
redecorated and I got married with the fucking word “murderer” on
my forehead. I bet your mom loved that,” I rolled my eyes, wincing.
I do remember being pissed at the Furies, but I get pissed at a lot
of people. “Y’know… Maybe it’s for the best that I forgot
that. It sounds really aggravating and like it probably made me a
nervous wreck. And if that’s the case, I’m sorry for any bullshit
I put you through that I don’t remember.” And anyway, the
ceremony itself wasn’t really the part that was important. It
didn't matter how the wedding happened, really. It matters that it
there was something important that I needed to say, something I'd
wanted to make sure he understood for a while, now.
I feel like I’m a little bit better off, though.” The words I
wanted to say were, I
am going to be okay, but I’m glad you were so cool as to be with me
when I was not okay. I
almost got there, I think.
of the stuff I don’t remember apparently made me a bit of a head
case, enough so that I was always really worried you would take off
running when you realized how damaged I was.” It was a really
stupid worry, stupid on like… eight different counts.
you didn’t, and that was really awesome of you. So you talk about
me being strong, and all this time I’ve been marveling at you
being…” I had to pause to find the right word. There were a
couple that would have worked. “Insane” was one of them, but I
went for something just a little bit gentler. “I dunno, maybe just
crazy, enough to stick with me.” There was a point there, and I was
trying really hard to make sure I didn't just wander around it. I
just wanted him to know how much it meant to me, how much he
meant to me, and just how grateful I was for him having made me so
much better off than I used to be and giving me a reason to keep
getting better, honing my skills and whatever. I wanted him to know
in case all of my plans went to shit and I didn’t make it out of
Duat. Except I’m bad at this.
thanks,” I finally managed to get the words out. “In case I
didn’t ever say it before, or I don’t get to say it later,
thanks. I don’t think I’d be where I am now if it weren’t for
you. You give me a million reasons to be better at everything, to be
stronger and good at protecting people – and somehow you still
manage to find all the trouble I can’t fix. Like old age. I mean,
the apples were just a temporary fix for that and I’m still working
on the more long-term fix. But I’ll figure it out, because it’s
for you. Just like I learned how to fucking teleport because I
thought you were in trouble.”
It wasn't quite coming out right.
frowned but kept talking. I guess I needed to keep talking because if
I stopped talking I would start thinking – and it is pretty obvious
that I do not do both tasks simultaneously. I really didn't wanna do
that right now, I didn't wanna think about just how long I might be
gone and just how soon that was going to have to happen.
was a point in there somewhere… Oh. Um… We don’t have a whole
lot of time right now. So while I want to keep trying to fill in all
the holes in your memory, and mine - like I would love to remember
whether I was actually there with my mom when she died - there’s
other shit we have to be doing. And while I would love to just look
you in the eyes and say, “Fuck dragons and Titans, let’s go get a
room,” I realize I have no money and a metric fuck tonne of
responsibilities to be taking care of. Like what Odin said to go do,
and maybe figuring out how to stop what we saw happening in Hades,
especially now that my mom is down there in the darkness and I don’t
know if she’ll be okay, or any of the other souls, and I don’t
have all the time in the world to spend figuring it out while
everything else goes dark. And you’ve got dragons to go talk to,
because for some reason I don’t really understand, you seem to want
to go do that.
the point is, when I get back - because I am fucking coming back, - I
want a vacation.” I said a silent prayer to the gods that I didn’t
just lie to my husband. “Hell, I’ll settle just for <em>a
day</em> off. I don’t care how we manage it, but my request
is you, me, and a room containing nothing but a big bed and a full
size bar stocked with nothing but whiskey. Now I gotta go learn
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics."
just smiled at me and said, “It’s not like it’s been a
one-sided thing, if it weren’t for you I would still be a
hot-headed dunce who was better at getting himself nearly killed than
he was at really helping anyone out. I mean, without you a lot of
what I’ve been through probably would have changed me for the
worse, and in a fairly serious degree. So, if the point you lost was
an ‘I love you,’ then let me just say ‘I love you too’ -
despite the incredibly cheesy phrasing.”
wasn't what I was trying to say, actually.
was trying to say goodbye.
yeah, “I love you” worked, too.
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